Thursday, July 26, 2007

Don't Be Afraid

the important thing
is not to be
bitter over life's

learn to let go
of the past
and recognize
that everyday
won't be sunny

and when you
find yourself
lost in darkness
and despair


it's only in the
black of night
that you can see
the stars

and those stars
will lead you
back home.

so don't be afraid
to make

to stumble,
to fall.

coz most of
the time,

the greatest
rewards come
from doing

that scare you
the most...

Saturday, July 14, 2007


Don't ever try to understand everything; some things will just never make sense.. dont ever be reluctant to show your feelings; when you're happy, give into it! when you're not, live with it. Life isnt fair, it never was. The only thing that can make you completely happy is contentment. Be contented on what you have, but be sure to aim high and never stop believing you can do better!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

You Just Never Thought About This

Some people say that, "you don't know what you got till it's gone.."
but i think it's really not like that...
"You always know what you have, you just never thought you would lose it!"

You thought i would always be there loving you..
people get tired..
sorry for your loss..