Saturday, January 31, 2009

No Happily Never After

"I don't think I want this anymore, "
As she drops the ring to the floor.
She says to herself, "You've left before, 
This time you will stay gone, that's for sure."

'Happily Never After'
That just ain't for me.
Because finally,
I know
I deserve better, after all
I'll never let another teardrop fall."

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Learn To Let Go


makes sense?!?

Learn to LET GO when you're hurting too much.

Monday, January 26, 2009



doesn't start with I

it starts with


it starts with U. tandaan mo yan!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Word Of Wisdom

If you're in love but afraid to tell the person for some reason...
Just think about this:
One moment of embarrassment or a lifetime of regret??
Besides, it's a choice not chance that determines your destiny!

Time: 09:43AM

you know girl, "there are things better left unsaid". maybe she has her reasons why she's silent about the whole situation. besides "actions speaks louder than voice". hindi ka naman siguro manhid diba?

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Choose Wisely

"to GAIN something is to LOSE something"

know what you really want. it's a sacrifice sweetie. hindi puedeng lahat sayo. it is possible to love two persons at the same time, but it is impossible na pantay ang love mo sa kanila. there is always 'mas mahal'. you just have to think carefully, and KNOW WHAT YOU REALLY WANT. 

Friday, January 16, 2009

"Our" LOVE

They didn't agree on much, in fact, they rarely agreed on anything, they fought all the timeand they challenged each other everyday, but despite their differences they had one important thing in common, they were crazy about each other.

-The Notebook

Why Did You Let 'HER' Go

"wag mong bitawan ang bagay na ayaw mong makitang hawak ng iba!"

why do we only realize the worth of a person when s/he is already gone? when we can't reach for them anymore. and now you wished to hold her again; and kiss her; show her how you missed her all those years you were not together. Is it TOO LATE?!?
she is now holding someone else's hand.
Is it TOO LATE?!?
you're hurting i know. and wished you were the one she's holding on to.

Not all scars show, not all wounds heal,
Sometimes you can't always see,
The pain someone feels.


Thursday, January 15, 2009

Just Hold On

We face all the challenges beyond all the problems
we believe that the more pain we overcome

the more stronger we become.

Monday, January 12, 2009


the difference between giving up and letting go

letting go is sacrificing what was rightfully yours

giving up is forgetting what was NEVER yours.


whatever. kahit alin ang piliin masasaktan pa rin ang ending. just accept it. YOU WILL GET HURT. YOU LOST IN THIS BATTLE. JUST WHEN YOU THOUGHT MAGIGING HAPPY KA NA, SHIT HAPPENED. and they are shitty. someday you'll just laugh about it.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

End It


the greatest torture you could ever do to your heart is to LET somebody GO..

at the time you're loving that person the most...

you just have to put a period on something that has to end and not just settle on a comma

coz time will come you'll realize that it's nicer to see a complete sentence rather than seeing a phrase that doesn't make any sense.


flashback. flashback. dali. i know you still love [that person] but does [that certain person] still loves you?
isipin mo nga lahat.magreflect ka! things are not the same like before. accept it.
it's ok to cry. it's healthy. but girl wag mong sobrahan.
the only way for you to move on is to face it. salubungin mo lahat ng pain. tanggapin mo lahat!
magsasawa ka rin kay PAIN.
and i'm sure mapapagod ka din. and ikaw na rin sa sarili mo ang kusang magmo-move-on.
you're smart!
kaya kapag nasaktan ka na ng todo iiral na rin yang utak mo.
nabubulagan ka lang ngaun ng so-called LOVE na yan.

and always remember nga

There's only one "reason" a man dumps you;

he DOESN'T want you!!!

You Can't Hold Too Many Things

...sana marealize mo ito...

The sand taught me ONE thing:

you can't hold too many things, no matter what you do to make them stay, and no matter how much they want to stay. the wind will always blow them away. So, learn to let go and choose carefully which you want to stay, because like the sand, only those which are in the center of your palm will last.."

Saturday, January 10, 2009



Face The Truth

In the 'cruel' world of LOVE, i've learned that
promises aren't contracts,
kisses aren't assurance,
sweet words aren't guarantees,
big hugs aren't bonds
that nothings permanent in this life.

One day he's mine, the next day he's gone.
Last night he was sweet, the next morning he's insensitive.

I've realized that loving someone is not always about fairy tales and fantasies,

Friday, January 9, 2009

Have You Ever Had That Feeling

Have you ever had the feeling that you were too pressured to choose from something you're sure of  and from something  you're happy with?.... 

It's like you don't know if you're brave enough to take the risk of letting go of everything you held on to before.....

Life is totally twisted, things change and shit happens...

So, know what you really want and go for it...

Choose what makes you happy today or die in sadness tomorrow...

~yes die! you die! you die and you go to hell!!! 

The Only Reason

There's only one "reason" a man dumps you;

he DOESN'T want you!!!
That's IT!!! No explanations.....
NO buts... No "im sorry"s..

Leche! ...

You Don't Really Know Me At All

you act like as if you know me

my way of thinking, my temper, my attitude,

but you are completely wrong.

so please

stop accusing me!

you're hurting me
and i hate it
you're completely unaware  of it.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Falling In Love With You

Falling in love with you
Has made me think about
How good life is.
When I’m with you,
I feel that the world is a wonderful place
And happiness is easy to find.
I see beauty all around
When we spend time together.
Your enthusiasm makes me believe
That we live in a world where any dream
Is possible.
Troubles and worries just seem to disappear
With your bright smile
And your special touch.

Life just has to be good…
When I’m sharing it with you.