Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Thanks D!

... for believing in me when everyone is againsts me
... for trust, that i made the right choice
... for respecting my silence and waiting for the right time that i can finally open my heart
... for acceptance
... for loving my company
... for the support when i'm feeling down
... for being FAIR.
... your just one text away

after reading your SMS.... 

Ung pananahimik mo eh matinding impact na sa kanila un. para sa akin U acted as a friend p Rin kasi Ndi ka gumawa ng ikakasakit nya. U'RE A GOOD FRIEND hindi lang nila nakikita UN kasi they we're blinded of awa dun sa isa.

...i realized na YOU'RE RIGHT.  They are soo blind.
(edited) 15Jul2009. Thanks for uplifting messages you shared with me. I really have two choices...
Alam mo na sa kanila na yun kung magiging FAIR sila. They are free to believe what they want to believe, you don't need to explain anything to them bcoz if they have brains they will get the two sides of the story muna before mang-husga agad. Right? Dont worry, i have my brain that's why i'm with you. and still civil pa rin kina *** at ***
I dont know, but it's better to break your silence na, para once and for all magkaalaman na. Sabi nga nila Silence Means Yes, if that will be the situation, your the bad person and they are the good ones. It's my opinion lang ah, para patas ang laban. If your going to  do that, 100% sure im on your side.

Monday, June 22, 2009


A POSITIVE ATTITUDE can turn normal day into a great day! So i always keep in mind these little sayings....

"I am too anointed to be disappointed"

"I am too blessed to be stressed"