Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Ayun! Sapul Siya!!!


Bato bato sa langit
ang mag-react..........


hindi para sayo ang post pero todo react ka! halata ka tuloy na affected ka. 

FYI: sa comments ko wala akong binanggit na pangalan at walang binigay na clue. 

i've just stated my opinion

tapos todo ang reaction mo girl. 



ayun! SAPUL KA!!!http://emo.huhiho.com

A Perfect Christmas

My idea of a perfect Christmas
Is to spend it with you

In a party
Or dinner for two
Anywhere would do
Celebrating the yuletide season
Always lights up our lives
Simple pleasures are made special too
When their shared with you

Looking through some old photograph
Faces of friends we'll always remember
Watching busy shoppers rushing about
In the cool breeze of December
Sparkling lights, all over town
Children's carols in the air
By the Christmas tree
A shower of stardust on your hair

I cant think of a better Christmas
Than my wish coming true
And my wish is you'd let me spend my whole life with YOU

My idea of a perfect Christmas is to spend it with you.

i just love the feeling of hearing bf (out of the blue) singing this for me with all his heart even if he's out of tune haha...

Friday, December 11, 2009

Willing to take, but never give

"There are plenty of people who are willing to take but never give. They are usually the same people that are never there when you need them."

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

I Deserve Joy

Within you is the 'greatest gift'

...the power to choose JOY...

Don't listen to anyone
who tells you otherwise. 

You deserve Joy, choose it...

Choosing to live a happy life is not only our greatest gift to ourselves, it is also the greatest gift we can give to those around us. When we are happy, we radiate happiness, and that is infectious. Consider giving the gift of happiness to yourself as being your gift to all humanity.

I am only MYSELF

So open your eyes
And see who I am
And not who you want for me to be
I am only myself, myself

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Who Will Walk with Me 'Till the End


To walk is what we always do

but i prefer not to look back to people who's no longer walking with me.

Then someone asked me:
"why did you just let other people leave you?"

then i answered:
"Life is a long journey. Let's see who will be walking with me until the end of my story."


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Greatest Challenge

you know that it's YOU

and i will forever be thankful.

thank you for loving me


Monday, November 16, 2009

Experience is The Best Teacher

Some few things i've learned by experience....

don't talk too much when you're mad, you might say things you don't mean to say.

making a decisions takes time, don't rush.

Life is like a chess, one wrong move and your game is all messed up.

never let your pride ruin everything. it's better to lose your pride than to lose someone because of pride.

8 Fat Fighting Foods

Combat fat! Your allies in battling bulge? Foods that do the work for you. These edibles have proven lipid-melting powers that help you slim. That’s a win.  

By Veronica Byrd

Almonds Almond joy! Dieters who ate 3 ounces of these nuts every day reduced their weight and body-mass index by a solid 18 percent compared with an 11 percent drop in the no-nut group, a study in the International Journal of Obesity found. Almonds are high in alpha-linolenic acid, which can speed the metabolism of fats. Stick to 12 per serving.

Berries Vitamin C–loaded fruit such as strawberries and raspberries can help you sizzle up to 30 percent more fat during exercise, suggests research from Arizona State University at Mesa. Blend a vinaigrette of 1 cup berries and ¼ cup balsamic vinegar.

This spice could make your waistline nice. Sprinkling ¼ teaspoon on your food may prevent a postmeal insulin spike—this increase normally occurs after you eat and “signals the body that it should store fat rather than burn it,” explains Lauren Slayton, R.D., of New York City. Add a dash to your oatmeal, yogurt or coffee.

Mustard Hello, yellow. The spice that gives mustard its color, turmeric, may slow the growth of fat tissues, a study in the journal Endocrinology notes. Eighty-six mayo in favor of any mustard; sprinkle turmeric on cauliflower and roast for a tangy side.

Oranges Prevent pound creep with this citrus star: It contains fat-torching compounds called flavones. Women who ate the most flavones had a significantly lower increase in body fat over a 14-year period, a study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition finds. Snack on slices or drink freshly squeezed OJ (with pulp!) for the biggest payback.

Soybeans These green gems are rich in choline, a compound that blocks fat absorption and breaks down fatty deposits. Add ½ cup edamame to a salad.

Sweet potatoes
Trade up to sweet taters. They’re high in fiber, which means no drastic insulin jumps and thus less fat packed onto your hips. Bake a small sweet potato—think of two bars of soap as a portion size—and top with a dollop of lowfat or nonfat cottage cheese.

Swiss cheese Holy cow: “Calcium-rich foods reduce fat-producing enzymes and increase fat breakdown,” says Michael B. Zemel, Ph.D., director of the Nutrition Institute at the University of Tennessee at Knoxville. Put toe to toe with some of its cheesy counterparts, Swiss is a heavy hitter in the calcium department; layer a slice on a lunchtime sandwich, or stack some on high-fiber crackers.

Have a Safe Flight

Come back home safe and sound
I miss you already

Friday, November 6, 2009

7 Diseases That Big, Juicy Steaks Could Give You

By Sara Novak, Planet Green. Posted November 5, 2009.

We know meat isn't necessarily the most healthy dietary choice; it could also be a fatal one.

More and more people are passing on meat for a wide variety of reasons. For starters, it reduces your impact on the planet. Some simply can't bare the despicable factory farming industry in this country. And the third weighing issue on the minds of the more than 2.8 percent of the U.S. population that considers themselves vegetarian, are health issues. And studies show that there are plenty of them.
Sicknesses Associated With Eating Meat

1. Prostate Cancer

According to a study published in the Journal of Epidemiology, researchers examined the dietary habits of 175,313 middle-aged men and followed them for nine years. They discovered that men who ate a diet heavy in red meat and processed meats were diagnosed with prostate cancer more often than men who ate little meat. "HCAs, a family of mutagenic compounds, are produced during the cooking process of many animal products, including chicken, beef, pork, and fish," the article said. And this is not reserved for a well done steak. The mutagens form when meat is cooked at a normal level and it is present in grilling, frying, or broiling. It appears to grow worse as the meat is cooked longer. In the end, the consumption of meat increased the risk of prostate cancer by 12 percent.

2. Heart Disease

More than 864,480 Americans died of heart disease in 2005, according to the American Heart Association. And according to a study at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (a teaching hospital for Harvard), heart disease is directly related to meat consumption. The study involved 617,119 men and women who were 50 to 71 years old at the start of the study. At the beginning of the study, patients filled out diet information surveys and 10 years later deaths from cardiovascular disease were noted.
Results of the Study:
"Compared to people in the lowest levels of red meat consumption (average 0.32 ounces per 1000 calories), men with the highest levels of red meat consumption (average 2.39 ounces per 1000 calories) experienced a 27 percent higher risk of cardiovascular disease.
For women with the highest levels of red meat consumption (average 2.32 ounces per 1000 calories) the results were even more dramatic. They experienced a 50 percent higher risk of cardiovascular disease."

3. Osteoporosis

A group of studies done at the Cornell-China-Oxford Project on Nutrition Health and Environment, by nutritional biochemist T. Colin Campbell and his colleagues, links bone density with meat consumption. The less meat that you eat the less you'll experience a loss in bone density as you age. Osteoporosis is a reduction in bone density that occurs as we age and in turn causes bone fractures and breaks in older individuals. The disease impacts 25 million Americans, 80 percent of whom are women. According to Campbell, the study is a great explanation for why Americans, who include more calcium in their diets than Asian cultures, have five times the rate of osteoporosis compared with many Chinese and other Asians. Our much larger meat consumption rate is working against us.

4. Kidney Stones

Kidney stones are deposits that form in your kidneys in varying sizes. They are a common problem, but can be super painful. Kidney stones range in size from that of a grain of sand to the size of a marble or larger. According to Physicians Desktop Reference, foods that are high in protein, such as meat could, "encourage the formation of kidney stones."

5. Food-borne Illnesses

Food-borne illnesses have been swirling through the news all year long and it hasn't been pretty. The New York Times wrote that according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, poultry is the number one source of food-borne illness. It doesn't matter how much antibiotics they pump into an abused chicken population because even still up to 60 percent of chickens sold at the supermarket are infected with live salmonella bacteria.

6. Pancreatic Cancer

High intake of dietary fats from red meat and dairy products is associated with a higher risk of pancreatic cancer, according to a study published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute.
"[W]e observed positive associations between pancreatic cancer and intakes of total, saturated, and monounsaturated fat overall, particularly from red meat and dairy food sources," the authors write. "Altogether, these results suggest a role for animal fat in pancreatic carcinogenesis."

7. Type 2 Diabetes in Women

A study done on women by the American Diabetes Association, found that there was a positive relationship between meat consumption and instances of Type 2 Diabetes. The study documented 1,558 recorded cases of Type 2 diabetes. After adjusting for age, BMI, total energy intake, exercise, alcohol intake, cigarette smoking, and family history of diabetes, "our data indicates that higher consumption of total red meat, especially various processed meats, may increase risk of developing Type 2 diabetes in women."

Thursday, November 5, 2009

California is Going Down

a clip from 2012. Watch how California get destroyed in the film 2012, which will hit theaters on Nov 13.

The Twilight Saga: New Moon - Trailers

i am having goosebumps watching trailers over and over again... can't wait!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Skank - Definition???


1. term for a female, implying trashiness or tackiness, lower-class status, poor hygiene, flakiness, and a scrawny, pockmarked sort of ugliness.

2. A term commmonly use to refer to a woman describing un hygenic habits, very little clothing and usually hints at that they are "easy.

3. One who does not exhibit desirable forms of personal hygiene.

4. A girl or woman of poor reputation and easy virtue.

5. A girl who dresses in tiny little clothes and flirts with other people's boyfriends.

6. A nasty, trashy girl in which guys look to only for sex.

Well Done is Much Better

People may doubt

what you say,
they will always believe in what you sincerely do.



is much better than


Kaya tama na ang putak mo! Patunayan mo na mas magaling ka nga (gaya ng sabi mo *sick*) kesa sa akin. Sarili mo ngang buhay hindi mo pa maayos-ayos eh gigil na gigil ka pang guluhin ako. hahaha. Try harder, sucker!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

FRIENDS: Fake or Real???

In our lifetime, we may have many friends, but the list of "real" friends will probably be very small. "Friend" comes with a loose definition, as there are different types we call friend. Each can have placement in our lives, but in a different way. You may have a friend who you have fun with but would never feel comfortable telling your deepest secrets to. Then there is the friend who you can trust with anything; the type that walks beside you in life, a kindred spirit.

What I consider to be the difference in fake friends and real friends...

Fake: Asks for favors often, but never offers to do favors for you. In fact, they may refuse or feel burdened if they do anything for you

Will offer to help before you even ask and if you do ask, they help out, willingly and without resentment

Fake: Talks about you behind your back

Real: If they have a problem with you, they discuss it, face to face, and in a respectful manner

Fake: One-dimensional. They see only their needs and is oblivious to needs of others

Real: They are in-tune enough to sense your pain, your needs and are supportive

Fake: Full of excuses for why they have no time for you - often only coming around when they want something and that something isn't YOU

Real: Wants to make time for you because they genuinely enjoy being with you and "choose" to nurture the friendship

Fake: Their actions don't back up their words

Real: Their actions are proportionate to their words, instilling trust and dependability

Fake: Makes fun of your imperfections

Real: Overlooks your imperfections and if you choose to improve yourself, they are encouraging and supportive. They may even join in.

Fake: Will try to lead you down a destructive path, not caring where it takes you

Real: Will encourage you to go down a constructive path. They will be by your side as you do.

Fake: Will drain your energy dry

Real: Will enhance your energy

Fake: Asks to borrow money often and never pays you back

Real: Only asks to borrow money if it's a true need and always pays back in a prompt manner. Willing to lend you money, if need be

Fake: Cuts you down

Real: Builds you up

Fake: You feel like running from, often getting negative vibes in their presence

Real: You feel like running to because they give off positive vibes

Friendships should not be taken for granted. We all need that extension. We should also ask ourselves how good a friend we are. It's never too late to be a genuine friend. You and everyone around will reap the rewards. If you have genuine friends, nurture your "true" friendships. As a rose withers and dies, without being tended to, so does a friendship. It's very sad to look back and have regrets about losing someone because you took them for granted. Don't make excuses. Implement action!


Definition of FAKE FRIENDS

(based on my personal experience)

- Someone who talks behind your back without regret.
- A person; male or female that makes you think that you two have common interests and enjoy hanging out with each other only to find out that they talk bad about you behind your back and secretly hate you because they are either jealous or mental.
- A person who talks about you behind your back, and tries to be your friend upfront.

Three Sides Of Every Story


....my side....

....her side....

and the truth.

The Ultimate Measure of a Man...

not where he stands
in moments of comfort and convenience,

where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.


masaya pa tayo noon
magkasama sa maraming pagkakataon
kalokohan at kalungkutan
nagtitiwala sa isa't isa
umiiyak o tumatawa, magkasama

kaya hindi ko alam
kung ano ba ang problema mo!
at ano ang nag-udyok sayo
para gawan ako ng masama
at magkalat ng mga kasinungalingan
na alam mo mismo sa sarili mo
na mga HINDI TOTOO ang sinasabi mo

sa sobrang putak ng mabaho at nabubulok mong bunganga
gusto kong sumugod at ipagtanggol ang sarili ko
awayin ka at isigaw sa mundo

pero hindi kita pinatulan
nanahimik ako
binigyan kita ng lahat ng pagkakataon
para magsinungaling at mag-imbento
magpaawa na para bang ikaw ang api

isang malapit mong kaibigan
ang nagsabi sa akin:
"hanga ako sayo, May
kasi sa kabila ng lahat ng sinasabi niyang masama tungkol sayo
hindi mo ka pumapatol
hindi mo siya sinisiraan
hindi ka nagsasalita ng masama laban sa kanya."

at ang sagot ko:
"hindi importante ang ibang tao
ang importante
alam ng mga tunay kong kaibigan kung ano ang totoo
hindi ko kailangan magpaawa para may kumampi sa akin
dahil sa mga taong alam ang totoo
hindi ko kailangan ipaliwanag ang sarili ko
andito sila, sa tabi ko
sumusuporta at mahal ako.
basta't alam kong wala akong ginagawang masama sa kapwa ko
GOOD KARMA ang ibibigay sa akin
at BAD KARMA ang matatanggap ng sinungaling.

AYUN! na BAD KARMA KA NGA! tsk tsk tsk

umiyak ako dahil sa sakit ng ginagawa mo
sinira mo ang pagkakaibigan natin
pero ano sa tingin mo ang napala mo
sa masamang ginawa mo?

Monday, September 21, 2009

Broken Heart

nothing hurts more than a broken heart. it is something that words cannot describe nor heal. though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new end.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

I Look So Good WIthout You

Hey boy, I would have thought that
When you left me I'd be broken
With my confidence gone, so gone

Hey boy, I would have thought that
When you said that you don't want me
I'd feel ugly and sense something was wrong

Standing in front of the mirror
My skins never been clearer
My smiles never been whiter

I look so good without you
Got me a new hair due
Looking fresh and brand new
Since you said that we were through

Done with your lies
Baby, now my tears dry
You can see my brown eyes
Ever since you said goodbye

I look so good
I look so good without you
I look so good
I look so good without you

Hey, I never would have thought that
When you left me I'd feel sexy
And so good in my skin again

And I never would have known that
I'd be dreaming so much better
Without you in my head

Standing in front of the mirror
My clothes never fit better
My, but I've never been louder

Now baby, my body's looking better than before
Ain't biting my nails since you walked out of the door
I realize now I deserve so much more than what you give
Than what you give

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Our Differences

The world's most happiest friends

never have the same characters.

They just have the
best understanding of their differences.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Imperfectly Perfect

Always remember ...
that you can never find a perfect partner to love you the way you wanted. Only a person who's willing to love you more than what you are.
Someone who'll accept you for what you can and can't be.
And that's even better than perfect.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

i am free

I am free to do and study

what my heart wants to study...

rather than study something


businesses are looking for certain job skills.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Thanks D!

... for believing in me when everyone is againsts me
... for trust, that i made the right choice
... for respecting my silence and waiting for the right time that i can finally open my heart
... for acceptance
... for loving my company
... for the support when i'm feeling down
... for being FAIR.
... your just one text away

after reading your SMS.... 

Ung pananahimik mo eh matinding impact na sa kanila un. para sa akin U acted as a friend p Rin kasi Ndi ka gumawa ng ikakasakit nya. U'RE A GOOD FRIEND hindi lang nila nakikita UN kasi they we're blinded of awa dun sa isa.

...i realized na YOU'RE RIGHT.  They are soo blind.
(edited) 15Jul2009. Thanks for uplifting messages you shared with me. I really have two choices...
Alam mo na sa kanila na yun kung magiging FAIR sila. They are free to believe what they want to believe, you don't need to explain anything to them bcoz if they have brains they will get the two sides of the story muna before mang-husga agad. Right? Dont worry, i have my brain that's why i'm with you. and still civil pa rin kina *** at ***
I dont know, but it's better to break your silence na, para once and for all magkaalaman na. Sabi nga nila Silence Means Yes, if that will be the situation, your the bad person and they are the good ones. It's my opinion lang ah, para patas ang laban. If your going to  do that, 100% sure im on your side.

Monday, June 22, 2009


A POSITIVE ATTITUDE can turn normal day into a great day! So i always keep in mind these little sayings....

"I am too anointed to be disappointed"

"I am too blessed to be stressed"

Saturday, May 23, 2009

i'll be the BEST you NEVER HAD

You said I was the best
Gave your love out to the rest
There was nothing I could say

Because I told you,
you'd live to regret it,
and now I don't wanna make you feel bad,
But when it comes to me just forget it,
I'll be the best you never had,
You put me through so many emotions,
Now baby it's your turn for that,
'cause in your empty heart I have left a mark,
The best you never had.

Baby I don't want revenge,
But if you must know the truth,
What you didn't see in me
Reflects what you will never be now,
When you're telling me I was always the one,
I feel your desperation.

Back rubs, good love, my stuff
That's what you missed out on
My touch... so much we could have
You miss,
My kiss,
My lips,
The love I had for you
Our song, so long

Well, I will always be the best you never had

The best you never had

Friday, May 22, 2009

Isn't It Ironic...

I was not aware that you came only to love me for a while...

I was aiming to be with you forever but you're not willing to work it all out...

While i was busy planning for us, you are busy planning your life with another person...

It hurts too much but all i can do is watch you walk away. And that's the end of it...

There goes my forever...

There goes my life...

I know you're gone, but holding on to you has become my way to keep me alive...

So sad but true...

"I will love you in silence, for in silence no one owns you but me"

"I don't want to be hang forever, i'm setting you free"

"Don't think of me anymore, god loves me almost the same way as i love you"

"I want you to be happy forever!"


why say this now? now that she's gone. nung andyan lang siya sa tabi mo sa iba ka nakatingin. ngayon nag-decide na siya to move on saka mo sasabihin yan. you never thought you would lose her, no? hay too sad.

Saturday, April 11, 2009


Ang mata ay nasa harapan upang makita ang dadaanan,

hindi para iyakan ang nagdaan na!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Aanhin Mo Pa??




Friday, March 20, 2009



hindi ko maalala kung aling tagalog movie ko narinig ang lines na 'to. Pero ang sarap niyan sabihin lalo na sa taong feeling niya eh isa siyang malaking kawalan sa buhay mo! Sa taong akala niya siguro palagi ka lang andiyan para patawarin siya at magbulag-bulagan. Lalong lalo na sa taong akala siguro ay hindi darating ang araw na mag mo-move-on ka din!

sa mga binangungot na, pasalamat at nagising ka pa. it means bibigyan ka pa ng another chance to face the reality. kaya dapat gabi-gabi magdadasal na, na sana wag ka na ulit bangungutin pa. na sana wag ng bumalik ang masamang panaginip na yan sa buhay mo.

sa mga binabangungot pa diyan, gising!!!! gumising ka sa realidad!

at para sayo - bangungot, maraming salamat. lesson/s learned.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

This Is It! And There Is No Turning Back

Let me go and you will never ever have me back.

It's been said that the saddest thing a person will ever face is what might have been. But what if a person is faced with what was? Or what may never be? Or what can no longer be? Choosing the right path is never easy. It's a decision we make with only our hearts to guide us. But sometimes we find our way to something better. Sometimes we fight through the regret and remorse of our mistakes, our malice, and our jealousy and the shame we feel for not being the people we were meant to be. And that's when we find our way to something better. Or when something better finds its way to us.
--One Tree Hill

Never do anything you can't stand for. Remember: Once it's been done there is NO TURNING BACK. Life has no rewinds. Learn to play it right.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

No Happily Never After

"I don't think I want this anymore, "
As she drops the ring to the floor.
She says to herself, "You've left before, 
This time you will stay gone, that's for sure."

'Happily Never After'
That just ain't for me.
Because finally,
I know
I deserve better, after all
I'll never let another teardrop fall."

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Learn To Let Go


makes sense?!?

Learn to LET GO when you're hurting too much.

Monday, January 26, 2009



doesn't start with I

it starts with


it starts with U. tandaan mo yan!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Word Of Wisdom

If you're in love but afraid to tell the person for some reason...
Just think about this:
One moment of embarrassment or a lifetime of regret??
Besides, it's a choice not chance that determines your destiny!

Time: 09:43AM

you know girl, "there are things better left unsaid". maybe she has her reasons why she's silent about the whole situation. besides "actions speaks louder than voice". hindi ka naman siguro manhid diba?

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Choose Wisely

"to GAIN something is to LOSE something"

know what you really want. it's a sacrifice sweetie. hindi puedeng lahat sayo. it is possible to love two persons at the same time, but it is impossible na pantay ang love mo sa kanila. there is always 'mas mahal'. you just have to think carefully, and KNOW WHAT YOU REALLY WANT. 

Friday, January 16, 2009

"Our" LOVE

They didn't agree on much, in fact, they rarely agreed on anything, they fought all the timeand they challenged each other everyday, but despite their differences they had one important thing in common, they were crazy about each other.

-The Notebook

Why Did You Let 'HER' Go

"wag mong bitawan ang bagay na ayaw mong makitang hawak ng iba!"

why do we only realize the worth of a person when s/he is already gone? when we can't reach for them anymore. and now you wished to hold her again; and kiss her; show her how you missed her all those years you were not together. Is it TOO LATE?!?
she is now holding someone else's hand.
Is it TOO LATE?!?
you're hurting i know. and wished you were the one she's holding on to.

Not all scars show, not all wounds heal,
Sometimes you can't always see,
The pain someone feels.


Thursday, January 15, 2009

Just Hold On

We face all the challenges beyond all the problems
we believe that the more pain we overcome

the more stronger we become.

Monday, January 12, 2009


the difference between giving up and letting go

letting go is sacrificing what was rightfully yours

giving up is forgetting what was NEVER yours.


whatever. kahit alin ang piliin masasaktan pa rin ang ending. just accept it. YOU WILL GET HURT. YOU LOST IN THIS BATTLE. JUST WHEN YOU THOUGHT MAGIGING HAPPY KA NA, SHIT HAPPENED. and they are shitty. someday you'll just laugh about it.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

End It


the greatest torture you could ever do to your heart is to LET somebody GO..

at the time you're loving that person the most...

you just have to put a period on something that has to end and not just settle on a comma

coz time will come you'll realize that it's nicer to see a complete sentence rather than seeing a phrase that doesn't make any sense.


flashback. flashback. dali. i know you still love [that person] but does [that certain person] still loves you?
isipin mo nga lahat.magreflect ka! things are not the same like before. accept it.
it's ok to cry. it's healthy. but girl wag mong sobrahan.
the only way for you to move on is to face it. salubungin mo lahat ng pain. tanggapin mo lahat!
magsasawa ka rin kay PAIN.
and i'm sure mapapagod ka din. and ikaw na rin sa sarili mo ang kusang magmo-move-on.
you're smart!
kaya kapag nasaktan ka na ng todo iiral na rin yang utak mo.
nabubulagan ka lang ngaun ng so-called LOVE na yan.

and always remember nga

There's only one "reason" a man dumps you;

he DOESN'T want you!!!

You Can't Hold Too Many Things

...sana marealize mo ito...

The sand taught me ONE thing:

you can't hold too many things, no matter what you do to make them stay, and no matter how much they want to stay. the wind will always blow them away. So, learn to let go and choose carefully which you want to stay, because like the sand, only those which are in the center of your palm will last.."

Saturday, January 10, 2009



Face The Truth

In the 'cruel' world of LOVE, i've learned that
promises aren't contracts,
kisses aren't assurance,
sweet words aren't guarantees,
big hugs aren't bonds
that nothings permanent in this life.

One day he's mine, the next day he's gone.
Last night he was sweet, the next morning he's insensitive.

I've realized that loving someone is not always about fairy tales and fantasies,

Friday, January 9, 2009

Have You Ever Had That Feeling

Have you ever had the feeling that you were too pressured to choose from something you're sure of  and from something  you're happy with?.... 

It's like you don't know if you're brave enough to take the risk of letting go of everything you held on to before.....

Life is totally twisted, things change and shit happens...

So, know what you really want and go for it...

Choose what makes you happy today or die in sadness tomorrow...

~yes die! you die! you die and you go to hell!!! 

The Only Reason

There's only one "reason" a man dumps you;

he DOESN'T want you!!!
That's IT!!! No explanations.....
NO buts... No "im sorry"s..

Leche! ...

You Don't Really Know Me At All

you act like as if you know me

my way of thinking, my temper, my attitude,

but you are completely wrong.

so please

stop accusing me!

you're hurting me
and i hate it
you're completely unaware  of it.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Falling In Love With You

Falling in love with you
Has made me think about
How good life is.
When I’m with you,
I feel that the world is a wonderful place
And happiness is easy to find.
I see beauty all around
When we spend time together.
Your enthusiasm makes me believe
That we live in a world where any dream
Is possible.
Troubles and worries just seem to disappear
With your bright smile
And your special touch.

Life just has to be good…
When I’m sharing it with you.