Monday, October 26, 2009

Skank - Definition???


1. term for a female, implying trashiness or tackiness, lower-class status, poor hygiene, flakiness, and a scrawny, pockmarked sort of ugliness.

2. A term commmonly use to refer to a woman describing un hygenic habits, very little clothing and usually hints at that they are "easy.

3. One who does not exhibit desirable forms of personal hygiene.

4. A girl or woman of poor reputation and easy virtue.

5. A girl who dresses in tiny little clothes and flirts with other people's boyfriends.

6. A nasty, trashy girl in which guys look to only for sex.

Well Done is Much Better

People may doubt

what you say,
they will always believe in what you sincerely do.



is much better than


Kaya tama na ang putak mo! Patunayan mo na mas magaling ka nga (gaya ng sabi mo *sick*) kesa sa akin. Sarili mo ngang buhay hindi mo pa maayos-ayos eh gigil na gigil ka pang guluhin ako. hahaha. Try harder, sucker!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

FRIENDS: Fake or Real???

In our lifetime, we may have many friends, but the list of "real" friends will probably be very small. "Friend" comes with a loose definition, as there are different types we call friend. Each can have placement in our lives, but in a different way. You may have a friend who you have fun with but would never feel comfortable telling your deepest secrets to. Then there is the friend who you can trust with anything; the type that walks beside you in life, a kindred spirit.

What I consider to be the difference in fake friends and real friends...

Fake: Asks for favors often, but never offers to do favors for you. In fact, they may refuse or feel burdened if they do anything for you

Will offer to help before you even ask and if you do ask, they help out, willingly and without resentment

Fake: Talks about you behind your back

Real: If they have a problem with you, they discuss it, face to face, and in a respectful manner

Fake: One-dimensional. They see only their needs and is oblivious to needs of others

Real: They are in-tune enough to sense your pain, your needs and are supportive

Fake: Full of excuses for why they have no time for you - often only coming around when they want something and that something isn't YOU

Real: Wants to make time for you because they genuinely enjoy being with you and "choose" to nurture the friendship

Fake: Their actions don't back up their words

Real: Their actions are proportionate to their words, instilling trust and dependability

Fake: Makes fun of your imperfections

Real: Overlooks your imperfections and if you choose to improve yourself, they are encouraging and supportive. They may even join in.

Fake: Will try to lead you down a destructive path, not caring where it takes you

Real: Will encourage you to go down a constructive path. They will be by your side as you do.

Fake: Will drain your energy dry

Real: Will enhance your energy

Fake: Asks to borrow money often and never pays you back

Real: Only asks to borrow money if it's a true need and always pays back in a prompt manner. Willing to lend you money, if need be

Fake: Cuts you down

Real: Builds you up

Fake: You feel like running from, often getting negative vibes in their presence

Real: You feel like running to because they give off positive vibes

Friendships should not be taken for granted. We all need that extension. We should also ask ourselves how good a friend we are. It's never too late to be a genuine friend. You and everyone around will reap the rewards. If you have genuine friends, nurture your "true" friendships. As a rose withers and dies, without being tended to, so does a friendship. It's very sad to look back and have regrets about losing someone because you took them for granted. Don't make excuses. Implement action!

Definition of FAKE FRIENDS

(based on my personal experience)

- Someone who talks behind your back without regret.
- A person; male or female that makes you think that you two have common interests and enjoy hanging out with each other only to find out that they talk bad about you behind your back and secretly hate you because they are either jealous or mental.
- A person who talks about you behind your back, and tries to be your friend upfront.

Three Sides Of Every Story


....her side....

and the truth.

The Ultimate Measure of a Man...
not where he stands
in moments of comfort and convenience,

where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.


masaya pa tayo noon
magkasama sa maraming pagkakataon
kalokohan at kalungkutan
nagtitiwala sa isa't isa
umiiyak o tumatawa, magkasama

kaya hindi ko alam
kung ano ba ang problema mo!
at ano ang nag-udyok sayo
para gawan ako ng masama
at magkalat ng mga kasinungalingan
na alam mo mismo sa sarili mo
na mga HINDI TOTOO ang sinasabi mo

sa sobrang putak ng mabaho at nabubulok mong bunganga
gusto kong sumugod at ipagtanggol ang sarili ko
awayin ka at isigaw sa mundo

pero hindi kita pinatulan
nanahimik ako
binigyan kita ng lahat ng pagkakataon
para magsinungaling at mag-imbento
magpaawa na para bang ikaw ang api

isang malapit mong kaibigan
ang nagsabi sa akin:
"hanga ako sayo, May
kasi sa kabila ng lahat ng sinasabi niyang masama tungkol sayo
hindi mo ka pumapatol
hindi mo siya sinisiraan
hindi ka nagsasalita ng masama laban sa kanya."

at ang sagot ko:
"hindi importante ang ibang tao
ang importante
alam ng mga tunay kong kaibigan kung ano ang totoo
hindi ko kailangan magpaawa para may kumampi sa akin
dahil sa mga taong alam ang totoo
hindi ko kailangan ipaliwanag ang sarili ko
andito sila, sa tabi ko
sumusuporta at mahal ako.
basta't alam kong wala akong ginagawang masama sa kapwa ko
GOOD KARMA ang ibibigay sa akin
at BAD KARMA ang matatanggap ng sinungaling.

AYUN! na BAD KARMA KA NGA! tsk tsk tsk

umiyak ako dahil sa sakit ng ginagawa mo
sinira mo ang pagkakaibigan natin
pero ano sa tingin mo ang napala mo
sa masamang ginawa mo?